Useful Links
A novice builders experience with building a Jabiru J430 aeroplane.
An "absolute must" link.  Has Manuals, Service Bulletins, Jaba Chat Newsletters etc.
Useful site (USA official distributor ) with some helpful stuff in the Tech Tips area.
Not much on this site. Some nice pics of Jabirus.
UK website run by Vic Leggott.  Lots of stuff here!  Some quite dated stuff as it's a site that's been around for a while. Stuff is updated at times.  Some great ideas and lots of input from people from mostly Britain, South Africa and Australia.
Several Builder Websites - Useful for ideas and how they did stuff.
A builder from the USA. Lots of useful stuff in the build section.  Interesting  bit about his mishap at Santa Monica airport. (But from a pretty one sided view though, understandably).  But the most useful stuff is in the rest of the site.
Australian  - John Lamb's Builders Log.  More links as well.
Australian - Wal's Jabiru website
Forums and Discussion Groups (may need registering but well worth it!)
Recreational Flying (USA Group) - Jabiru forum.
Another forum about Jabiru Engines
Parts Suppliers Websites      (Note: Jabiru also sell  all spare parts and many other things at good prices and with
                                                              quick delivery) I tend to use Jabiru most.
The premier home-built parts source in the world. Cheaper than many Oz businesses even after postage. Very quick delivery.  If it's something no one else has,  try Aircraft Spruce & Specialty. They have just about everything you could ever want.

The official Austalian distributor for Aircraft Spruce.  (Run by
(A bit of advice - I would much prefer to deal with an Australian company. Sadly I have been very disillusioned with them.  They have let me down several times with emailed orders not dispatched till I phoned a week later asking about the progress.) 
For small hardware items - Bolts, wire, clamps, pins, odds and ends. Very useful for orders of just one or two bolts etc.  Doesn't seem to carry anything other than the small hardware stuff.  Run by an SAAA & RAAus homebuilder.
Makers of the EFIS system I use.
Dynon Avionics Support forums